“The best government is that which governs least.”
It’s Time to Separate from Alachua County – AGAIN
Dating back to 1925, Gilchrist County was created from western Alachua County for many of the same reasons as today. Gilchrist was the last county formed in Florida, though lines have been changed here and there over the years since.
Back then, Governor Gilchrist saw the need to preserve citizens’ property rights, freedom, and proper representation. He agreed the best opportunity to preserve those rights was establishing a new County.
Springs County seeks to preserve those rights for citizens, home rule authority for cities, and an entrepreneur-centric business climate, just like Gilchrist County.

We Don’t Have a Voice in Alachua County
Most recently, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) allowed the City of Gainesville undo and unwarranted influence in the affairs of the entire county. Smaller cities were completely shut out of discussions lending no voice to all other citizens. This is regulation without representation.
Save for a few projects and efforts when convenient, the BOCC has been this way for some time. The events of 2020 and 2015 indicate logical and data driven collaborations are nowhere in sight.
The voices of western Alachua County will continue to go unheard unless a political divorce happens.

It is time. It is better for all parties involved: Businesses, Municipal Government, and most importantly CITIZENS.
- A business should not have to compete against its own government.
- A city should not have to worry about being sued by the BOCC and have its citizens’ taxes used against them in a court of law.
- A citizen should not be forced to choose between food and taxes.
Our new county, Springs County, will be about better living through smaller government, lower taxes, and more freedom!

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